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  Armstrong"s Handbook of Human Resource Management, 12th edn

Armstrong"S Handbook Of Human Resource Management, 12Th Edn

by Michael Armstrong

  Price : Rs 1295.00
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  Reviews: The most comprehensive of similar texts covering human resources...Michael Armstrong could well be offering the definitive text in the field...an excellent book.
— The Times Higher Education Supplement

If any book is a contender for one of the standard references of the HR profession, this is it...It covers just about everything that might be considered broadly relevant to practicing HR.
— Personnel Today

Description: Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management is the classic text for all students and practitioners of HRM. Providing a complete resource for understanding and implementing HR in relation to the needs of the business as a whole, it includes in-depth coverage of all the key areas essential to the HR function, including:

• human resource management
• human capital management
• knowledge management
• organizational behaviour
• corporate social responsibility
• work, organization and job design
• employee engagement
• organization development
• workforce planning
• strategic HRM
• recruitment and selection
• learning and development
• performance and management
• reward
• employee relations
• health and safety
• procedures and systems
• the ethical dimension of HRM

The 12th edition has been radically updated to create a cutting-edge textbook, which encourages and facilitates effective learning. Comprehensive online support material is provided for the instructor, student and now also the practitioner, providing a complete resource for teaching and self-learning. The text has been updated to include all the latest developments in HRM and now includes two new sections covering HR skills and toolkits.

Comprehensive support material for instructor, student and practitioner is available from www.koganpage.com.

Contents: Part I: The practice of human resource management

The concept of human resource management • Introduction • HRM overview • The philosophy of human resource management 6 Underpinning theories of HRM • Reservations about the original concept of HRM • HRM today • Strategic HRM • Introduction • The conceptual basis of strategic HRM • The nature of strategic HRM • Aims of SHRM • Critical evaluation of the concept of SHRM • The resource-based view of SHRM • Strategic fit • Perspectives on SHRM • HR strategies • Delivering HRM • Introduction • HR architecture • The HR system • The HR delivery model • The role and organization of the HR function • Case studies on the organization of the HR function • The roles of HR professionals • The HR role of line managers • HRM and performance • Introduction • The impact of HR • How HRM makes an impact • Developing a high-performance culture • High-performance work systems • Performance management • The contribution of HR • International HRM • Introduction • International HRM defined • Issues in international HRM • Global HR policies and practices • Managing expatriates • Case studies • Human capital management • Introduction • The nature of human capital management • The concept of human capital • The constituents of human capital • Approaches to people management raised by human capital theory • Human capital measurement • Human/ capital reporting • Introducing HCM • HCM case studies on approaches to measurement • Knowledge management • Introduction • Knowledge management defined • The concept of knowledge • The purpose and significance of knowledge management • Knowledge management strategies • Knowledge management issues • The contribution of HR to knowledge management • Competency-based HRM • Introduction • Competency defined • Competency frameworks • Using competencies • Applications of competency-based HRM • Developing a competency framework • Competencies and emotional intelligence • The ethical dimension of HRM • Introduction • The meaning and nature of ethics • The nature of ethical decisions and judgements • Ethical frameworks • Equity theory • Justice • Ethical HRM • HRM ethical guidelines • Ethical dilemmas • Corporate social responsibility • Introduction • Corporate social responsibility defined • Strategic CSR defined • CSR activities • The rationale for CSR • The opposing view • Benefits of CSR • The basis for developing a CSR strategy

Part II: People and organizations

Organizational behaviour • Introduction • Organizational behaviour defined • The sources and applications of organization behaviour theory • How organizations function • Organizational culture defined • Organizational climate • Organizational processes • Characteristics of people • Implications for HR specialists • Work, organization and job design • Introduction • Work design • Case studies • Organization design • Job design • Role development • Organization development • Introduction • Organization development defined • The nature of organization development • The story of organization development • Organization development strategy • Organizational diagnosis • Organization development programmes • Employee engagement • Introduction • The meaning of employee engagement • The theory of engagement • Drivers of employee engagement • Outcomes of engagement • Enhancing overall employee engagement • Enhancing job engagement • Enhancing organizational engagement • Measuring engagement • Case study • Motivation • Introduction • The meaning of motivation • Types of motivation • The process of motivation • Motivation theories • Motivation and money • Motivation strategies • Commitment • Introduction • The meaning of organizational commitment • The importance of commitment • Commitment and engagement • Critical evaluation of the concept of commitment • Factors affecting commitment • Developing a commitment strategy

Part III: People resourcing

Strategic resourcing • Introduction • The objective of strategic resourcing • The strategic HRM approach to resourcing • Strategic fit in resourcing • Bundling resourcing strategies and activities • The components of strategic employee resourcing • Case study • Workforce planning • Introduction • Workforce planning defined • Incidence of workforce planning • The link between workforce and business planning • The rationale for workforce planning • Workforce planning issues • Approaches to workforce planning • Case studies • Recruitment and selection • Introduction • The recruitment and selection process • Defining requirements • Attracting candidates • Dealing with applications • Interviewing • Selection testing • Assessment centres • Provisional offers and obtaining references • Choice of selection methods • Checking applications • Offering employment • Following up • Dealing with recruitment problems • Case studies • Resourcing practice • Introduction • Employee value proposition • Employer brand • Case study • Employee turnover • Retention planning • Absence management • Case studies • Induction • Release from the organization • Talent management • Introduction • Talent management defined • The process of talent management • Developing a talent management strategy • What is happening in talent management • Management succession planning • Career management • Case studies

Part IV: Learning and development

Strategic learning and development • Introduction • Learning and development defined • Strategic L&D defined • Aims of strategic L&D • Learning and development philosophy • The business case for L&D • Learning and development strategies • The process of learning and development • Introduction • How people learn • The implications of learning theory and concepts • Organizational learning • The notion of the learning organization • Self-directed learning • The practice of learning and development • Introduction • Identifying learning needs • Approaches to learning and development • Development • Training • Planning and delivering learning events • Blended learning • Evaluation of learning • Responsibility for the implementation of learning • Case studies • Leadership and management development • Introduction • Leadership and management development defined • The nature of leadership and management • Leadership and management development compared • Leadership development • Case studies and examples • Management development • Criteria for leadership and management development

Part V: Performance and reward

Performance and reward basics • Introduction • The meaning of performance • The meaning of reward • Performance management • Reward management • The practice of performance management • Introduction • Managing organizational performance • Managing team performance • Managing individual performance • Line managers and performance management • Performance management as a rewarding process • 360-degree feedback • Case studies • Strategic reward • Introduction • Strategic reward defined • The characteristics of strategic reward • Critical evaluation of the concept of strategic reward • Reward strategy • Reward philosophy • Formulating reward strategy • Implementing reward strategy • Case studies • The practice of reward management • Introduction • Reward management defined • Aims of reward management • The reward system • Total rewards • Financial rewards • Non-financial rewards • Pay determination • Market pricing • Job evaluation • Base pay management • Contingent pay • Recognition schemes • Employee benefits • Evaluating reward • Administering reward management • Case studies

Part VI: Employee relations

Strategic employee relations • Introduction • The process of employee relations • The basis of employee relations • Employee relations policies • Employee relations strategies • Employee relations climate • Managing with unions • Managing without unions • Implementing employee relations strategy • The employment relationship • Introduction • The nature of the employment relationship • The basis of the employment relationship • Labour process theory and the employment relationship • Employment relationship contracts • Managing the employment relationship • High-trust organizations • The psychological contract • Introduction • The psychological contract defined • The significance of the psychological contract • The psychological contract and the employment relationship • How psychological contracts develop • The problem with psychological contracts • Developing and maintaining a positive psychological contract • The practice of industrial relations • Introduction • Trade union membership • Union recognition • Collective bargaining • Collective agreements • Informal employee relations processes • Case study • Employee voice • Introduction • The meaning of employee voice • The elements of employee voice • Categorization of employee voice • Expression of employee voice • Levels of employee voice • Stages of employee voice • Effectiveness of employee voice • Planning for voice • Case studies • Employee communications • Introduction • The importance of employee communications • What should be communicated • Approach to communication • Communication method • Employee communication strategy

Part VII: Employee wellbeing

The practice of employee wellbeing • Introduction • Reasons for concern • The work environment • Managerial behaviour • Work-life balance • Managing stress • Sexual harassment • Bullying • Services for individuals • Case study • Group employee services • Health and safety • Introduction • Managing health and safety at work • Health and safety policies • Conducting risk assessments • Health and safety audits • Health and safety inspections • Accident prevention • Occupational health programmes • Measuring health and safety performance • Communicating the need for better health and safety practices • Health and safety training • Organizing health and safety

Part VIII: HR policies, procedures and systems

HR policies • Introduction • Why have HR policies? • Overall HR policy • Specific HR policies • Formulating HR policies • Implementing HR policies • HR procedures • What are HR procedures? • Capability procedure • Disciplinary procedure • Grievance procedure • Redundancy procedure • HR information systems • Introduction • Reasons for introducing an HRIS • The functions of an HRIS • Features of an HRIS • Introducing an HRIS • e-HRM achievements • Case studies

Part IX: HR skills

Strategic HRM skills • Introduction • The strategic role of the HR professional • The strategic business partner model • The strategic role of HR directors • The strategic role of heads of HR functions • The strategic role of HR business partners • The strategic contribution of HR advisers or assistants • The strategic skills required • HR strategic skills as defined by the CIPD • Ten things to do if you want to be strategic • Business skills • Introduction • Business skills • Financial skills • Business models • Problem-solving skills • Introduction • Problem solving • Twelve problem-solving steps • Analytical and critical skills • Introduction • Evidence-based management • Analytical skills • Logical reasoning • Critical thinking • Critical evaluation • Developing and justifying original arguments • Research skills • Introduction • The nature of research • Planning and conducting research programmes • Quantitative and qualitative methods of research • Methods of collecting data • Processes involved in research • Statistical skills • Introduction • Frequency • Measures of central tendency • Measures of dispersion • Correlation • Regression • Causality • Tests of significance • Testing hypotheses • Selection interviewing skills • Introduction • Selection interviewing skills • Preparing for the interview • Planning the interview • Questioning techniques • Coming to a conclusion • Dos and don’ts of selection interviewing • Job, role, competency and skills analysis • Introduction • Definitions • Job analysis • Job descriptions • Role analysis and role profiles • Behavioural competency analysis • Technical competencies analysis • Skills analysis • Learning and development skills • Introduction • Coaching • Mentoring • Job instruction • Negotiating skills • Introduction • The process of negotiation • Stages of negotiation • Negotiating and bargaining skills • Leading and facilitating change • Introduction • The role of HR in leading and facilitating change • The change process • Change models • Resistance to change • The role of change agents • Leadership skills • Introduction • The meaning of leadership • Leadership theories • What leaders do • Leadership styles • Types of leaders • The qualities of a good leader • Effective leadership • Influencing skills • Introduction • Persuading people • Case presentation • Making a business case • Facilitating • Coordinating discussions • Handling people problems • Introduction • Disciplinary issues • Absenteeism • Handling poor timekeeping • Handling negative behaviour • Dealing with under-performance • Managing conflict • Introduction • Handling inter-group conflict • Handling interpersonal conflict • Resolving conflict between team members • Political skills • Introduction • Typical political approaches • Using political means to get things done • Political sensitivity • Dangers of politics • Dealing with organizational politics

Part X: HRM toolkits

Strategic HRM • Purpose of the toolkit • The strategic HRM framework • Strategic HRM activities • Strategic HRM gap analysis • Human capital management • Purpose of the toolkit • The human capital management approach • The process of human capital management • Reasons for adopting an HCM approach • Introducing HCM • Organization design • Purpose of the toolkit • Aims and purpose of organization • Activities and structure analysis • Role analysis • Organization development • Purpose of the toolkit • Employee engagement • Purpose of the toolkit • The meaning of employee engagement • Drivers of employee engagement • Engagement gap analysis • Diagnosis • Workforce planning • Purpose of the toolkit • Factors affecting demand and supply • Balancing demand and supply • Talent management • Purpose of the toolkit • Talent management strategy • Talent management policy • Talent planning • Talent audit • Resourcing talent • Succession planning • Talent development • Overall analysis • Planning and delivering learning events • Purpose of the toolkit • Planning learning events • Performance management • Purpose of the toolkit • Structure of the toolkit • Analysis and diagnosis • Design toolkit • Areas for development • Analysis of possible objectives and success criteria • Development of performance management system • Implementation toolkit • Pilot testing • Performance management operations toolkit • The evaluation toolkit • Strategic reward • Purpose of the toolkit • The reward strategy development framework • Analysis of reward strategy and practice • Developing and implementing reward strategy • Total rewards • Purpose of the toolkit • Introducing total rewards • Clarify the concept and objectives of total rewards • Identify total reward elements • Prioritize • Implement • Monitor and evaluate • Job evaluation • Purpose and contents of the toolkit • The job evaluation review and development sequence • Grade and pay structure design • Purpose of the toolkit • The grade and pay structure design sequence • Analysis of present arrangements • Choice of structure • Definition of guiding principles • Design options • Graded pay structure design • Pay range design • Career family structure design • Job family structure design • Assimilation policy • Protection policy • Implementing new grade and pay structures • Attitude surveys • Introduction • Developing and conducting an attitude survey • Post-survey activities.ISBN - 9780749465506

Pages : 792
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