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  How to Manage People

How To Manage People

by Michael Armstrong

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  Description: Do you lead by example?

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How to Manage People is a practical book from best-selling author Michael Armstrong. It provides advice for managers and team leaders on how to get the best results from people in their team. Many managers have to do their job without HR advice and this book is particularly designed to meet their needs. It covers every aspect of management that involves getting things done through people, including:

¢ leadership

¢ motivation

¢ team building

¢ delegating

¢ managing performance

¢ developing and rewarding people

¢ handling people problems

¢ managing change

Concise yet comprehensive, How to Manage People provides vital support for every front-line manager and should be essential reading for anyone who wants to get the best results from their staff.

Contents: Introduction ¢ What managers do: Managerial effectiveness ¢ Attributes of successful managers ¢ Key aspects of management ¢ Leadership: What leadership involves ¢ Leadership styles ¢ What makes a good leader? ¢ Developing leadership skills ¢ Assessing leadership skills ¢ Leadership checklists ¢ Motivating people: Motivation defined ¢ The process of motivation ¢ How motivation takes place ¢ Motivation theories ¢ The key messages of motivation theory ¢ Approaches to motivation ¢ Engagement ¢ Organizing : The process of organizing ¢ Aim ¢ Organizational guidelines ¢ Job design ¢ Developing role profiles ¢ Team building : What is a team? ¢ What are the characteristics of teams? ¢ What are the factors that contribute to team effectiveness? ¢ How should team performance be assessed? ¢ How should team performance reviews be conducted? ¢ What needs to be done to achieve good teamwork? Delegating: What is delegation? ¢ What are the advantages of delegation? ¢ What are the difficulties of delegation? ¢ Approaches to delegation ¢ How good a delegatior are you? ¢ Selection interviewing : The nature of a selection interview ¢ The content of an interview ¢ Preparing for the interview ¢ Planning the interview ¢ Interviewing techniques ¢ Assessing the data ¢ Managing performance : The process of managing performance ¢ Performance planning ¢ The continuing process of managing performance ¢ Formal review meetings ¢ Conducting a performance review meeting ¢ Performance review skills ¢ Helping people to learn and develop : Conditions for effective learning ¢ Self-managed learning ¢ Formal learning ¢ Informal learning ¢ How you can promote learning and development ¢ Rewarding people : Reward systems ¢ Approaches to rewarding people ¢ Fixing grades and rates of pay ¢ Reviewing pay ¢ Managing without a reward system ¢ Managing change: Approaches to managing change ¢ Resistance to change ¢ Handling people problems: Absenteeism ¢ Disciplinary issues ¢ Handling negative behaviour ¢ Handling poor timekeeping ¢ Dealing with under-performers ¢ References ¢ Index

About the Author: Michael Armstrong is an independent management consultant and internationally respected author. He has written several best-selling titles, including How to Be an Even Better Manager, Armstrong`s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice and Armstrong`s Handbook of Reward Management Practice (all published by Kogan Page).

Target Audience: Managers in corporate, students of management
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749461638

Pages : 186
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