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  Communication Techniques in Farm Extension

Communication Techniques In Farm Extension

by T. Rathakrishnan, M. Israel Thomas

  Price : Rs 950.00
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  This book comprehensively covers three broad areas which one could not find from any single source. The major areas includes Farm Journalism which deals with basic concept and dimensions, principles, genesis and growth, journalism and mass media, ideals, functions and canons of journalism, ethics of journalism, art of speech, readability meaning, definition and formula for readability, newspaper makeup, E-journalism - online journalism, types of leads, writing feature stories, news, types of news, photo journalism, reporting - qualities of a good reporter, reporting skills, editing, balancing news paper. The cyber extension, information and communication technology (ICTs) covers genesis with development of instructional technologies, application of multimedia in agricultural extensions, Interactive video disc, cyber extension, information and communication technologies (ICTs), expert system, agri-portal, tele conferencing and its application, audio conferencing, video conferencing, trends of development in ICT. Finally, the new topic which is not covered in any of the text book of this nature is transfer of technology efforts - problems tree analysis. It will be of immense helpful to the field level extension functionaries and students communities to strengthen their communication skills.

With rapid strides in agricultural sciences virtually, there is an information explosion. Mass media including newspaper, magazine, radio, TV are coming out with more and more agricultural information support programmes. This book act as an interface between media managers and professionals for the development of agricultural front.ISBN - 9788172336073

Pages : 254
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