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  Windows Mobile Game Development: Building games for the Windows Phone and other mobile devices

Windows Mobile Game Development: Building Games For The Windows Phone And Other Mobile Devices

by Adam Dawes

  Price : Rs 599.00
  Your Price : Rs 539.10
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  ISBThis book will provide you with a comprehensive guide to developing games for both the Windows Mobile platform and the Windows Phone using the industry standard programming languages C# and VB .NET.

You will be walked through every aspect of developing for the Windows Mobile platform—from setting up your development environment for the first time to creating advanced 3D graphics. Finally, you’ll learn how you can make your applications available to others, whether distributing for free or selling online.

Using extensive code samples throughout, you’ll gather all the information needed to create your own games and distribute them successfully for others to enjoy.

Aimed primarily at C# developers, almost everything in the book can be used in VB .NET too. For those areas where this is not the case, workarounds are suggested so that VB .NET developers are still able to use the techniques described.

What you’ll learn

How to obtain and configure a development environment for Windows Mobile
How to build a working extensible game engine to reduce development time and increase reusability and distribution
Tips and techniques for getting games working on a wide range of devices, including older devices, smartphones (with no touchscreens), as well as the latest hardware—all in a single code base
A full overview of using OpenGL ES, opening up a new world of advanced 2D and 3D graphics and effects
Everything you need to know to include high quality sound and music in your games
Advice and information on the best ways to allow the user to interact with your game
Guidance on distributing your finished games, including information about freeware listings and tips on creating and selling shareware games

Who this book is for
The book is aimed at those with an existing background in programming and knowledge of one of the two main .NET programming languages (C# and VB.NET), but who do not necessarily have any knowledge of programming for Windows Mobile or programming games in general. The book will guide the reader through the steps required to become proficient in both of these areas of development.

Table of Contents

Windows Mobile and .NET
Mastering the User Interface
GDI Graphics
Taming the Device with the Game Engine
Timing to Perfection
Exploring User Input
Sounding Out with Game Audio
Game in Focus: GemDrops
Common Game Components
A New Window on the World with OpenGL ES
Creating 2D Games with OpenGL
The Ins and Outs of the Third Dimension
Further OpenGL Features and Techniques
Distributing Your GameISBN - 9788132202202

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