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  Financial Accounting for Management: An Analytical Perspective, 4/e

Financial Accounting For Management: An Analytical Perspective, 4/E

by Ambrish Gupta

  Price : Rs 579.00
  Your Price : Rs 474.78
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  The fourth edition of Financial Accounting for Management: An Analytical Perspective continues to focus on the analysis and interpretation of financial information for strategic decision making to enable students and managers to formulate business strategies for revenue enhancement, cost economies, efficiency improvements, restructuring of operations, and further expansion or diversification for creating and enhancing the shareholder`s value. Though the book has MBA, MFC and MBE students as its primary audience, its practical orientation will be useful to managers in the corporate sector and students of CA, CWA, CS, CFA and CAIIB.The resources include new material on chapter 14, 18, 20, & 21, being the core chapters on financial analysis, in accordance with the Revised Format of corporate financial statement(New Schedule VI), both for the teachers and students. Salient Features

Discussion on convergence with international financial reporting standards. Though implementation of converged Indian standards has been deferred for the time being, key features thereof versus existing standards are explained in the text in various chapters for advance knowledge of students.

New vertical format of financial statements introduced with effect from the accounting periods starting 1 April 2011 included. Thus, corporate financial statements in the new format will be available only around June-July 2012. However, a thorough discussion on the new format with the restatement of 2010-11 old format statements of Reliance Industries provided in (new) Appendix 6 for advance knowledge of students.

Thorough revision, expansion, updating, enrichment, simplification and aesthetic improvement of the subject matter. All 62 corporate cases have been retained.

New pedagogical features introduced and clubbed with the existing ones. ISBN - 9788131754528

Pages : 1008
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