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  The Future

The Future

by Al Gore

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 520.00
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  The Future is a book, in which Gore chooses to deal with the subject of overpopulation, which he believes is one of the major concerns in the world currently. Through the course of this book, he further deals with social, economic, and political influences that are set to transform the nation of America, and the world itself, in the next few decades. He explains that the world is going crazy at the moment, with rapid developments in technology, and governing institutions being led by their own interests with short-term gains.

At the starting of this book, Gore provides a brief description of the six trends that explain why a moment of choice is dreadful for policymakers, and the common man. The six trends include modern communications, and computers, connecting everything, new technologies, environmentally unsustainable growth, global economic links, climate change, and a new geopolitical balance of power. Each of these issues have been dealt with in the subsequent chapters.

Gore states that global outsourcing, and robo-sourcing threaten to replace human workers with computers, leaving the middle, and working classes of society jobless, while the rich become richer. He also explains that the financial markets are sustained by certain algorithms whose high-frequency trades are carried out in microseconds. He also throws light on the depreciation of natural resources such as topsoil, and water. Gore also touches on the subject of economy, stating that economic growth doesn’t make individuals happier, even after a particular target income level is achieved. The content of this book has been presented as a result of in-depth research, which helps to back-up the beliefs of the author.ISBN - 9780753540497

Pages : 352
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