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  Self Help Health Guides : Anxiety

Self Help Health Guides : Anxiety

by Khleber Chapman Attwell

  Price : Rs 195.00
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  Reviews: "Dr. Attwell has written a book that will be of benefit to all those persons who have experienced anxiety, especially those who have had their lives disrupted by this disabling disorder. He describes how and why anxiety occurs and what can be done about it. Based on years of clinical experience, Dr. Attwell offers a common-sense approach to successful treatment. For a comprehensive understanding of anxiety in all of its manifestations, I recommend this book highly."
- Benjamin J. Sadock, MD, Menas S. Gregory Professor and Vice-Chairman of Psychiatry, New York University School of Medicine

"This book represents a major achievement by providing a simple, straightforward explanation of a rather complicated area in mental health. Dr. Attwell manages to describe and explain the complex phenomenon of anxiety in a way that appeals to both experts in the field and the general public. It relies on a depth and breadth of knowledge never before provided to the public at large. I recommend it to anyone who wishes to truly understand all the facets of anxiety."
- Samuel Herschkowitz, MD, Clinical Professor & Director, The NYU Psychoanalytic Institute, NYU Medical Center

Description: Approximately 19 million Americans suffer from anxiety disorders, many without knowing why they experience their symptoms. Whether you are a newly diagnosed patient, a patient already in treatment who may wish to understand more deeply the roots of anxiety, or a friend or relative of someone suffering from anxiety, this book offers help. The only text available to provide both the doctor’s and the patient’s view, Jones and Bartlett Self Help Health Guides Anxiety gives you authoritative, practical answers to your questions. This book deals directly with the nature of anxiety and its underlying causes, treatment options (including various forms of psychotherapy and medication), advice on coping with anxiety, sources of support, and much more. Written by psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Dr. Chap Attwell, with "insider" commentary from actual patients, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone struggling with the medical, psychological, or emotional turmoil of this debilitating condition. Contents:

Part 1: The Basics

Questions 1-19 provide basic information about anxiety, including:
• What is anxiety?
• What is the general philosophy of this book?
• What is the difference between anxiety and fear?

Part 2: The Many Faces of Anxiety

Questions 20-67 define and describe the various forms of anxiety, including:
• What is performance anxiety?
• What causes a panic attack?
• Can anxiety really keep me up all night?

Part 3: Treatment

Questions 68-100 address how, where, and what kind of treatment to seek, including:
• What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist, between a social worker and a nurse? Whom should I see?
• What are the most important things to find out from my doctor when I am figuring out a treatment course?
• What are the different kinds of therapies?

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Index.ISBN - 9789380108643

Pages : 224
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