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  The Invention of Private Life

The Invention Of Private Life

by Sudipta Kaviraj

  Price : Rs 895.00
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  Sudipta Kaviraj has long been Internationally recognized as a political analyst and thinker. In this book he shows that he is also one of the most acute writers on the interconnections of literature and politics. The essays here lie at the intersection of three disciplines - the study of literature, social theory and intellectual history.

Kaviraj argues that serious reflections on modernitys predicaments and bafflement`s lie in literature. Modernity introduced new literary forms - such as the novel and the autobiography - to Indian writers. These became reflections on the nature of modernity. Some of the questions central to modern European social theory also grew into significant themes within Indian literary reflection.

What was the nature of the self-did modernity alter this nature? What was the character of power under conditions of modern history? How is the power of the modern state felt by individuals? How does modern politics affect the personality of a sensitive individual? Is love possible between intensely self-conscious people? How do individuals cope with the transience of affections, the fragility of social ties? Kavirajs essays show modern Indian literature as reflections on modern times, particularly of their experiential interior.

ISBN - 9788178243085

Pages : 376
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