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  Pest Management and Residual Analysis in Horticultural Crops

Pest Management And Residual Analysis In Horticultural Crops

by Rachna Gulati , Beena Kumari

  Price : Rs 1280.00
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  The book is intended to provide a clear overview on the management of pests and diseases of horticulture crops, associated soil and beneficial fauna, residue status of pesticides and their estimation techniques. It is divided in four parts: Part I explain the practices followed in the pest management of horticulture crops. Chapters include pest status of insects, mites, rodents, and diseases in fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, spices and mushrooms and their management. Different aspects of biological, cultural, and mechanical controls are also highlighted. Harmful and beneficial soil fauna associated with horticulture crops are dealt in Part II. Keeping in view the potential of beneficial organisms, the effects of pesticides on predators, parasites and pollinators have also been discussed in this section. The recent scientific developments related to residue status in vegetables, fruits and spices are provided in Part III. Part IV includes the residue estimation techniques of various pesticides.

This book is hoped to serve as a useful source of information to teachers, postgraduate students and researchersISBN - 9789381450710

Pages : 380
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