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   Objective Microbiology

Objective Microbiology

by S. Nandi

  Price : Rs 195.00
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  Microbiology is one of the most important subjects not onlyinVeterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry but also inMedicalsciences. This book is written based on the most relevantandcurrent information of microbiology in the form of objectivetypequestions so that everybody can read and understand itproperly.The book is useful for scientists, teachers, students,officers,diagnosticians, laboratory technicians, public healthprofessionalsand medical personnel associated directly orindirectly withresearch, teaching, training, extension, diagnosis,epidemiologyand control of diseases of microbial origin such asbacteria,parasite, virus, rickettsia, mycoplasma, chlamydia, fungietc. Thedetailed information has also been provided on emergingandreemerging diseases of animals and humans. This book willprovideup to date information of all the diseases of variousetiologieswhich are of serious human and animal health threatglobally. Theobjective type questions of various kinds on differentdiseaseshave been provided so that students, researchers,examinees,trainees etc can face any challenge with a certain degreeofprofound confidence. This book will be extremely useful to allthepersons who are directly or indirectly involved in thediagnosisand epidemiological investigations of human and animaldiseases andtheir welfare. Finally, all can enrich their knowledgeon anyaspects of microbiology from the book and clarify any doubtsandconcepts very easily and confidently.ISBN - 9789381450017

Pages : 220
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