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   Software Architecture in Practice 3 Edition

Software Architecture In Practice 3 Edition

by Len Bass

  Price : Rs 800.00
  Your Price : Rs 656.00
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  The core book in SEI`s influential architecture curriculum, this book introduces software architecture both for practicing software engineers and for students pursuing careers in software design or management. It combines the authority of SEI`s pioneering curriculum with the proven pedagogical effectiveness of a book that`s been used for many years in countless training and college courses. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of the field of software architecture in a single, easy-to-digest package. This book will help readers understand:

Why software architecture is critical to development projects and the organization as a whole Which technical and organizational factors influence architecture, and are in turn influenced by it How architecture drives quality attributes such as performance and reliability
How to master and choose among today`s best architectural tactics.

Salient Features

The core book in Software Engineering Institute`s (SEI) influential software architecture curriculum: the field`s best-seller (14,000+ copies sold)
Helps software practitioners and managers resolve crucial questions that enable the development of clear and effective architecture
Now accompanied by slides, exercises, and exercise answers, making it even easier to teach and learn from
ISBN - 9789332502307

Pages : 616
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