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  Understanding Life: An Introduction to the Psychology of Alfred Adler

Understanding Life: An Introduction To The Psychology Of Alfred Adler

by Alfred Adler

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  Description: One of Alfred Adler’s best-known works, this new and revised edition of UNDERSTANDING LIFE sets out the key principles of Adler’s positive, practical psychology, an early forerunner of the Positive Psychology movement. Central to his "science of living" is equality and the fostering of encouragement, at home, at school, and in the workplace, to create an environment in which, individuals can flourish and develop their full potential.

Introducing all his key theories, from the inferiority and superiority complexes to early memories and the interpretation of dreams, Adler demonstrates how we can all gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, and provides useful tools for breaking free of our negative thinking and patterns of behavior to change for the better.

Contents: Introduction • About this Book • Key Concepts of Individual Psychology • Adler’s Work • Adler: ‘A Man Ahead of his Time’ • Adler’s Personality • Individual Psychology in Practice • Therapeutic Education • Individual psychology — the science of living • Striving Towards a Goal • Ways of Seeing the World • Parental Influences • Birth Order • Exploring Childhood Memories • Private Logic • The Importance of Social interest • Feelings and Emotions • The General Approach • The inferiority complex • Consciousness and Unconsciousness • Our Social Relationships • Language and Communication • Social Training • Overcoming Limitations • Feelings of Inferiority • The superiority complex • The Goal of Superiority • Avoiding Real Solutions • Superiority and Inferiority • Self-Interest • Boasting and Confidence • Healthy Ambition • The life style • Recognizing Life Style • The ‘Normal’ Life Style • The ‘Maladjusted’ Life Style • Methods of Diagnosis • Developing Social Feeling • Overcoming Depression and Fear • Childhood memories • Discovering the Prototype • Types of Memories • Death in the Family • The Memories of Pampered Children • Specific Memories • Predictive Analysis • Expressions of the life style • Body Language • Timidity • Moods • The Development of Personal Characteristics • Masters of our own Fate • Envy and Jealousy • The Masculine Protest • Dreams • The Life of Dreams • The Purpose of Dreams • Dream Logic • Methods of Interpretation • Dreamers and Non-Dreamers • Sleep and Hypnotism • Problem children • Principles of Education • Understanding Parents and Children • The Superiority Complex in Problem Children • Some Characteristics of Problem Children • Gifted Children • How to Encourage Children • Birth Order and Family Dynamics • Social adjustment • The Social Context • Behavioural Problems • Adjusting to School • Facing the Three Tasks of Life • The Need to Build Character • Social feeling and common sense • Social Usefulness • Hidden Complexes • Symptoms of Neurosis • A Case History • Providing Encouragement • Intimate relationships • The Importance of Preparation • Equality of the Sexes • The Dynamics of Attraction • The Spoilt Child • Offering Advice • Mistaken Attitudes • Danger Signs • Marriage as a Social Task • Sexuality and sexual problems • Fact and Superstition • Childhood Sexuality • The Life Style and Sexuality • A Criminal Case • Sexual Excess • Conclusion • IndexISBN - 9781851686971

Pages : 196
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