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  Six Figure Management Method

Six Figure Management Method

by Patrick M Georges

  Price : Rs 1295.00
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Six Figure Management Method gives managers a simple, proven and universal method for improving the profitability of any business unit or organization by measuring and improving just six key performance indicators. If you focus on six well-selected figures, each of them simple to understand, easy to calculate and tailored to reflect the reality of your company, your profitability will see a significant uplift. The six key figures cover every critical business area, from people management and profitability to operational excellence and customer service. This book presents a streamlined, straightforward framework for managing your activities effectively on a day-to-day basis, while remaining directed towards achieving long-term goals, motivating people and systematically delivering future success. The six figure management method is not a theory, it is a system to be applied: this is a practical handbook packed with easy-to-apply, down-to-earth tips and techniques to drive your business forward.


Introduction: how to thrive, simply

Chapter 1: Six figure management in action: how we know it really works • Key learning point • The SFM method is a management control-based approach • Why you should have only six KPls for intelligence • Why you can rely on the SFM method • Summary • What’s next Chapter 2: How SFM will help you to get the most from your reporting systems • Key learning points • The evolution of business performance measurement • The balanced scorecard, a major advance in business performance management • SFM is an evolution beyond the balanced scorecard • The Management Cockpit, another advance in dashboards • How the SFM method works together with the Management Cockpit approach • Summary • What’s next

Chapter 3: Try more new things: measuring and improving your sales from new sources performance • Key learning points • Sales from new sources in action • Who should measure and improve SFN performance? • Why should managers measure their SFN performance? • How do you implement the SFN measurements and improvements? • What are the indicators that best measure SFN performance? • Other indicators that you may consider to appraise your • SFN performance • How do you effectively use SFN performance? • How can managers improve a bad SFN performance? • What are the limitations of measuring and improving your • SFN performance? • Summary • What’s next
Chapter 4: Spend more time with customers: measuring and improving your time facing customers performance • Key learning points • What is time facing customers performance? • To whom does the TFC indicator apply? • Why should managers measure their TFC performance? • How do you implement the measurement and improvement of your TFC performance? • What are the indicators that drive the value of your TFC performance? • How do you effectively use the TFC indicators? • How can managers actually improve a bad TFC performance? • What are the limitations of measuring and improving TFC performance? • Summary • What’s next

Chapter 5: Do the same thing but with reduced costs and delays: measuring and improving your gains from processes performance • Key learning points • What are gains from processes? • To whom does GFP performance apply? • Why should managers measure and improve their GFP performance? • How do you implement GFP? • What are the indicators that drive the value of GFP? • How do you effectively use GFP and what questions should you ask yourself? • How can managers improve a bad GFP performance? • What are the limitations of having a high GFP performance? • Summary • What’s next
Chapter 6: Give more to the best people: measuring and improving your people responsibility level performance • Key learning points • What is the people responsibility level? • To whom do the PRL indicators apply? • Why should managers measure and improve their PRL • performance? • How do you implement PRL? • What are the indicators that drive the value of your PRL performance? • How do you use PRL effectively and what questions should you ask yourself? • How can managers improve a bad PRL? • What are the limitations of the PRL method? • Summary • What’s next

Chapter 7: Invest more in your critical resource: measuring and improving your return on critical resource performance • Key learning points • What is return on critical resource? • To whom does the RCR indicator apply? • Why should managers measure and improve their RCR performance? • How do you implement the RCR? • What are the indicators that drive the value of RCR performance? • How can managers improve a bad RCR performance? • What are the limitations of the RCR method? • Summary • What’s next

Chapter 8: Focus on one key change project: measuring and improving your key project status performance • Key learning points • What is key project status performance? • To whom do the KPS indicators apply? • Why should managers measure and improve their KPS • performance? • How do you implement KPS measurements? • What are the indicators that drive the value of your KPS performance? • What questions should you ask yourself? • How can managers improve a bad KPS performance? • What are the limitations of KPS performance? • Summary • What’s next

Chapter 9: Getting started • Key learning points • How to start • Where should you begin? • Some tips for success • Start from a priority • How do managers tailor SFM to the strategic ar environmental context? • Help in getting started

Conclusion: what’s next • Conclusion: key points of the SFM method ISBN - 9780749469078

Pages : 256
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