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  Gandhi and Nationalism

Gandhi And Nationalism

by Simone Panter-Brick

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  Simone Panter-Brick’s elegant new study attends to the stages and evolution of Gandhi’s nationalism. Brimming with insight and written with a sure and fluid hand, Panter-Brick carefully navigates through and makes sense of the often dramatic turns in Gandhi’s political vision and strategies for attaining independence.’
—Karuna Mantena, Associate Professor of Political Science, Yale University

‘Was Gandhi a nationalist? This engrossing and intricate study illuminates the thought and action of Churchill’s “half-naked fakir” as he resisted anti-Indian legislation in South Africa in his younger days, accepted separation from the British Empire in middle age, and labored to prevent the partition of the subcontinent late in life. Any reader wishing to fathom just what India meant to Gandhi should read this book, the work of an author who understands “Gandhianity” and “Indianity” almost as well as the Mahatama did himself.’
—Paul Jankowski, Ray Ginger Professor of History, Brandeis University

At Gandhi’s nationalism seems simple and straightforward: he wanted an independent Indian nation state and freedom from British colonial rule. But in reality, his nationalism rested on complex and sophisticated moral philosophy. His Indian state and nation were based on no shallow ethnic or religious communalism, despite his claim to be Hindu to his very core, but were grounded on his concept of swaraj – enlightened self-control and self-development leading to harmony and tolerance among all communities in the new India. He aimed at moral regeneration, not just the ending of colonial rule.

Simone Panter-Brick’s perceptive and original portrayal of Gandhi’s nationalism analyzes his spiritual and political program. She follows his often tortuous path, as a principal spiritual and political leader of the Indian Congress, through his famous campaigns of non-violent resistance and negotiations with the Government of India leading to Independence and, sadly for Gandhi, the Partition in 1947.

Gandhi’s nationalism was, in Wm Roger Louis’s phrase, “larger than the struggle for independence”. He sought a tolerant and unified state that included all communities within a “Mother India”. Panter-Brick’s work will be essential reading for all scholars and students of Indian history and political ideas.

Contents: Introduction • Gandhian Nationalism in One Song and Three Cartoons • Part 1: Nationalism and Indianity • Swaraj, the Objective • The Voice of India • The Defence of Indianity • Part 2: Nationalism and Allegiance • War and Non-violence • Volte-face • Part 3: Nationalism and Rebellion • The Wait-and-see Interlude • Stooping to Reconquer • The Demise of the Pro-Changers • Part 4: Nationalism and Partition • The Temptation of the One-Party System • Retaliation • From Britain as Empire to Britain as Umpire • The Judgement of King Solomon • Envoy • The Two BrothersISBN - 9788130922546

Pages : 240
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