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  Stephan Schiffman???s Telesales, 2/e

Stephan Schiffman???S Telesales, 2/E

by Stephan Schiffman, Adams Media

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 265.50
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By providing one concise, easy-to-read chapter for each daily coffee break, Stephan Schiffman???s Telesales, Second Edition has the power to transform your career and help you post noticeable increases in your numbers in just ten working days and transform your career after a mere twenty-one. Stephan Schiffman has coached thousands of sales teams across the country to improve their telesales performance. He knows exactly what works and what doesn???t, and in this completely revised second edition, he shares with you all of his insider???s secrets, including how to ???Master the five ways you can increase your income ??? Track your numbers and use them to your advantage ??? Evaluate your performance effectively. . . so you hit your own goals ??? Gain control of the call ??? Use "how" and "why" questions to your advantage ??? Learn what???s going on in the prospect???s world ??? Understand the four types of negative responses and find out how to get past each one ??? Leave effective phone messages By spending just minutes a day with this clear, easy-to-use book, you can learn everything from creating a script, to recognizing when not calling a prospect can increase your sales productivity, to practicing the ten traits of world-class salespeople. In this highly competitive world where the obstacles against telemarketers are increasingly daunting, you can???t afford not to have these tools in your sales arsenal! About Author: Stephan Schiffman is America???s most renowned sales trainer. He is the author of numerous bestselling sales books, including Cold Calling Techniques (That Really Work!) and The 25 Most Common Sales Mistakes. Mr. Schiffman is also the president of DEI Management Group, Inc., and has trained more than 300,000 salespeople. ISBN - 9781580628136

Pages : 208
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