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   Computer concept and Programming in C (For the GBTU)

Computer Concept And Programming In C (For The Gbtu)

by Jeri R. Hanly ,Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay,Kashi Nath Dey,Elliot B. Koffman,Anita Goel, Ajay Mittal

  Price : Rs 250.00
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This book has been customized keeping in mind the specific requirements of the B.Tech, 1st year Semester I syllabus of the Gautam Buddha Technical University. Compiled using the bestselling textbook to map exactly to the syllabus, Computer Concepts & Programming in C provides students with multifaceted and all-inclusive information—exactly what they need to excel in the exam. The highly readable style will allow students to become conversant with the subject easily. The text is supported by strong pedagogy and content that are ideal for new students of this rapidly changing field.
ISBN - 9788131767139

Pages : 312
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