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  Healing With The Angels

Healing With The Angels

by Doreen Virtue

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 200.00
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  In this book, Doreen Virtue talks about Angel Therapy, which is a spiritual healing method that is non-denominational. This means that unlike in faith healing, the practitioner does not consider it necessary that religious faith is a prerequisite for getting a cure. It is based on the belief that every individual has a guardian angel and working with the angel, a person can harmonize one`s life and get healed. The powerful and loving angel is always around and wants to help the individual in every aspect of his life.

Healing With The Angels discusses the various methods using which the angels help to heal one`s body by spiritual healing methods and quotes case studies for specific instances based on the author`s experience. The book says that it is possible to cure even mental and emotional health by this method. Also included are correct childhood behavioral issues, angel affirmations to increase self-confidence, heal from grief and powerful angelic prayers for helping one find a soulmate.

This book discusses topics like the future of the world, life after death, and finding one`s divine purpose. The reader can also understand the meaning of some numbers like 111, why one comes across some human beings having angelic qualities, how the effect of one`s past lives affects one`s present life problems. Case studies to prove how depression, sleep disorders, anxiety, and similar general problems are cured with this method of therapy are also included.

Other Topics covered are Angelic messages about weight, exercise, and diet, Angel therapy for illness, healing others with angels, how the angels can heal a person of worry, guilt, and healing away addictions and obsessions.ISBN-9788190565578

Pages : 193
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