This is an absolute essential set for those who what to explore the world of Angels, Fairies & Mermaids. Angels 101 is a nondenominational overview of who the angels are; their role in various spiritual texts and religions; the ways that angels help us and how to call upon them; information on guardian angels, archangels, and departed loved ones; and frequently asked questions about the angels. In Archangels 101, Doreen Virtue guides you in connecting with her 15 favourite archangels. You will read true stories from people who have received protection, miraculous healings, and amazing guidance from these beloved Heavenly beings. Whether youre new to working with angels or someone who has believed in them all your life, you will want to refer to this book again and again. In Fairies 101 you will find true stories from people who`ve encountered fairies and benefited from their assistance illustrating Doreen`s teachings. You`ll learn how fairies aid people in finding lost objects, heal themselves and their pets, make gardens grow miraculously fast, and help clean the environment. You`ll also see photos of a real fairy handprint, and other visual evidence that demonstrates that fairies are very real indeed. In Mermaids 101 youll read about peoples true experiences with mermaids, and learn how you can unleash more manifestation power by tapping into your inner merperson. Youll also see images of ancient and modern mermaids, including photos and descriptions of men and women who wear neoprene mermaid tails and swim in oceans, pools, and lakes alongside whales, dolphins, and other wildlife. Mermaids 101 is a wonderful reference guide for anyone who is fascinated with this magical underwater world. ISBN-9789381431726
Pages : 680