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  How Not To Get Fat

How Not To Get Fat

by Ian Marber

  Price : Rs 495.00
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  If all diets work, why is it such a problem for us to maintain a healthy weight while still enjoying life? And why do we fall into the trap of sending ourselves on an endless rollercoaster of boom and bust, dieting and overeating, which makes us feel bad or ashamed about ourselves? In Ian Marber`s long-standing experience as a nutritional therapist, most people want to eat in a way that satisfies their hunger, enables them to enjoy good food, minimizes cravings, and works with even the busiest work, or social, schedule -all without gaining weight. We do not always understand how our bodies work and therefore how and what to eat. Ian explains how to ensure that the food we eat is enjoyable and converts to energy rather than fat. And we do not always think about ourselves, and food, in a positive way. We often see food as the enemy, and engage in a battle that we feel we will always lose. Or attitudes from family, friends, colleagues, and the media about our weight, or how we should look, lead many of us to try extreme diets, buy low calorie foods, or over-exercise. We learn how to diet, not how to eat, and when we treat ourselves the weight creeps back on and another cycle of emotional guilt and self-denial begins. In this revolutionary but commonsense book, Ian tells the reader how to eat so that they will never get fat. This is not a one-off diet book; it is a way of life...that works! Radical yet realistic, packed with quotes and scenarios that the reader will recognize, informative yet humorous, Ian Marber delivers us from dieting.ISBN-9781844007905

Pages : 176
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