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  Advanced Software Testinga€”Vol. 1

Advanced Software Testinga€”Vol. 1

by Rex Black

  Price : Rs 775.00
  Your Price : Rs 658.75
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  This book is written for the test analyst who wants to achieve advanced skills in test analysis, design, and execution. With a hands-on, exercise-rich approach, this book teaches you how to define and carry out the tasks required to put a test strategy into action.

Learn how to analyze the system, taking into account the user`s quality expectations. Additionally, learn how to evaluate system requirements as part of formal and informal reviews, using an understanding of the business domain to determine requirement validity. You will be able to analyze, design, implement, and execute tests, using risk considerations to determine the appropriate effort and priority for tests. You will also learn how to report on testing progress and provide necessary evidence to support your evaluations of system quality.

With a quarter-century of software and systems engineering experience, author Rex Black is President of RBCS, a leader in software, hardware, and systems testing, and is the most prolific author practicing in the field of software testing today. He published several books on testing that sold tens of thousands of copies worldwide. He is President of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) and is a Director of the American Software Testing Qualifications Board (ASTQB).

This book will also help you prepare for the ISTQB Advanced Test Analyst exam. Included are sample exam questions, at the appropriate level of difficulty, for most of the learning objectives covered by the ISTQB Advanced Level syllabus. The ISTQB certification program is the leading software tester certification program in the world. With about 100,000 certificate holders and a global presence in 50 countries, you can be confident in the value and international stature that the Advanced Test Analyst certificate can offer you. ISBN 9788184046984

Pages : 488
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