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   Buddhism Primitive and Present in Magadha and in Ceylon

Buddhism Primitive And Present In Magadha And In Ceylon

by R S Copleston

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 435.60
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  This book describes the history of that particular branch of Buddhism that was established and continued in Ceylon. It is the attempt of the author to make his work appeal to the interested reader and at the same time be accurate enough for the scholar. The author avoids the use of technical terminology but gives reference for every statement which he has drawn directly from Pali books. In writing this book the author does not draw upon other translations and manuals as he has made a thorough study of a large part of the sacred canon. The book is divided into 6 parts and they deal with 1) An introduction to the subject 2) Foundation 3) The teachings of the Buddha 4) The era of Asoka 5) Buddhism in Ceylon: its past. 6) Buddhism in Ceylon: the present. ISBN : 8120602196

Pages : 320
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