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  JasperReports: Reporting for Java Developers

Jasperreports: Reporting For Java Developers

by David Heffelfinger

  Price : Rs 2582.00
  Your Price : Rs 2194.70
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  Create, Design, Format and Export Reports with the world`s most popular Java reporting library

Get started with JasperReports, and develop the skills to get the most from it
Create, design, format, and export reports
Generate report data from a wide range of datasources
Integrate Jasper Reports with Spring, Hibernate, Java Server Faces, or Struts

In Detail JasperReports is the world`s most popular embeddable Java open source reporting library, providing Java developers with the power to easily create rich print and web reports. This book shows you exactly how to get started, and develop the skills to get the most from JasperReports.

The book steers you through each point of report setup, to creating, designing, formatting, and exporting reports with data from a wide range of datasources, and integrating JasperReports with other Java frameworks.

Starting with the basics of adding reporting capabilities to your application, and creating report templates you will first see how to produce your reports through the use of JRXML files, custom ANT targets, and then see preview them in both the browser and the native browser of JasperReports.

Getting data into your reports is the next step, and you will see how to get data from a range of datasources, not only databases, but XML files, and Java Objects, among others.
ISBN 9781904811909

Pages : 344
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