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  Artificial Intelligence (Anna University)

Artificial Intelligence (Anna University)

by Kaushik Saroj

  Price : Rs 690.00
  Your Price : Rs 586.50
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  Artificial Intelligence is designed to serve as a textbook on artificial intelligence for undergraduate students of Anna University. The topics included in this book are fundamentals of AI with introduction to agents, problem solving using intelligent searches and game playing strategies, logical reasoning containing propositional and predicate logic with introduction to logic programming, problem solving using planning, knowledge representation techniques, uncertainty handling, machine learning techniques, etc. The chapter on applications contains various NLP techniques for processing natural languages. The Prolog language is popularly used for implementing AI programs, therefore an appendix on Prolog has been included at the end of the book. Written in an easy-to-understand manner, the book enlists a large number of examples to explain the concepts. Pseudo algorithms for various methods and techniques have been included throughout the book. 1.The approach has been kept simple and student-friendly to ensure that every student can derive maximum possible knowledge from the book
2.Every chapter incorporates useful pedagogical features such as detailed illustrations, tables, algorithms, and end-of-chapter exercises that supplement the topics presented therein
3.The inclusion of solved examples and algorithms aids in sharpening students` understanding of the concepts covered in the chapter ISBN - 9788131516430

Pages : 368
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