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  The British Committee of the Indian National Congress (1889-1921)

The British Committee Of The Indian National Congress (1889-1921)

by Prabha Ravi Shankar

  Price : Rs 900.00
  Your Price : Rs 810.00
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  This book is about an important aspect of the Indian national movement on which not much has been written so far. How and when did the Indian people realize the need to conduct a parallel constitutional agitation in Britain for the redress of their grievances? How did the British Committee of the Indian National Congress come to be established? What were its objects and methods of work? What kind of a relationship did it have with the national organization in India? How did the Moderates and the Extremists view the British Committee? When and why was the Committee disbanded? Was Mahatma Gandhi`s non-co-operation movement responsible for the demise of British Committee? What was the British Committee`s contribution to the Indian struggle for Swaraj?

Answers to these and similar other questions have been attempted by Dr Prabha Ravi Shankar in this book which is the first comprehensive and definitive history of the British Committee of the Indian National Congress.
ISBN 9789380188096

Pages : 348
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