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   Life of the Amir Dost Mohammed Khan of Kabul - 2 Vols.

Life Of The Amir Dost Mohammed Khan Of Kabul - 2 Vols.

by Mohan Lal

  Price : Rs 1445.00
  Your Price : Rs 1271.60
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  With his Political Proceedings towards the English, Russian and Persian Governments- including the victory and Disasters of the British Army in Afghanistan. Mohan Lal was the secretary to Alexander Burnes, when he was the British Resident in Kabul.

This biography, written by Mohan Lal, is a contemporary account of the then king of Afghanistan, Dost Mohammad Khan, and offers eyewitness accounts of the dealings of this king with the political proceedings of the British, Persian, and Russian governments. This was the time when Alexander ˜Bokahra` Burns, the British Resident in Kabul, was assassinated by a mob a few years ago, and there were many resultant military debacles that the British army was involved in. The political and military tension of this time is well captured by the author, who was the secretary of Alexander Burns. There are 19 portraits of the principal players, both Afghan and English, in this set of 2 volumes, which was first published in 1846. ISBN :8120619196

Pages : 400
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