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  Somatic Embryogenesis and Gene Expression

Somatic Embryogenesis And Gene Expression

by Aslam Junaid

  Price : Rs 1125.00
  Your Price : Rs 1125.00
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  SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS AND GENE EXPRESSION provides an insight into current advances in the development of somatic embryogenesis, as well as the cellular and molecular mechanism, differential gene expression, and extracellular protein markers during different developing stages of somatic embryogenesis. It cover somatic embryogenesis in dicotyledons and monocotyledons plants, different factors regulating somatic embryogenesis (plant genotype, level of sugar in the medium, type and concentration of growth regulators, photoperiod, gelling agents, time exposure, induction and maturation medium), application of complex organic additives (often involves fruit juices, pulp, extracts and homogenates as well as liquid endosperms, protein hydrolysates like casein hydrolysate, tryptone, and yeast lysate like yeast extract), genetic fidelity of somatic embryos derived plantlets and role of connecting stress leading in expression of transcription factor that appears to connect stress and developmental signalling pathways and is essential for the subsequent signal transduction cascade that leads to the formation of somatic embryos. Expression of different genes associated with the accumulation of storage reserve during somatic embryogenesis along with isolation and molecular characterization of miRNAs at different developmental stages of embryogenesis, and finally proteomics during somatic embryogenesis has been discussed in detail.ISBN-9788184872286

Pages : 272
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