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  C Interviews Q&A, 2nd Edition

C Interviews Q&A, 2Nd Edition

by Sandeep A. Thorat

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 276.25
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  C language is one of the most fundamental programming techniques and has a huge importance in software and electronic industries. Almost all software companies conduct Technical Aptitude Tests based on C language in their recruitment process. C Language questions are frequently asked in technical Interviews as well. The proficiency in C Language is also important to crack the GATE Computer Science examination.

C language is part of the syllabus of various engineering disciplines, BCA, MCA and MSc (Computer Science) curriculums. Due to academic curriculum students become familiar with C, but very few of them have command over C language. The questions asked in the recruitment process are tricky and it tests the in-depth knowledge of C syntax, logical, analytical and debugging abilities of the students. By keeping these things in our mind, we are proposing a book which covers almost all different types of objective questions asked on C Language. We have also given an explanation to each answer; this is useful to students in making them understand the answer and concept completely. All questions discussed in the book are tested in MD-DOS Turbo C environment and utmost care has been taken to give precise answers.

The proposed book would be useful for students of different engineering branches who are willing to pursue their career in Software Industries. The book is also useful to MCA, BSc and MSc(Computer Science) and MCS students. Also the book would be quite useful to crack the GATE Computer Science examination.ISBN:9789350238172

Pages : 244
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