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  Digital Electronics

Digital Electronics

by Ghoshal Subrata

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 382.50
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  Digital Electronics teaches the basic concepts of digital design in a clear, accessible manner. The book is designed to cover the syllabi of a full-semester course on digital electronics as part of undergraduate engineering programs in Electronics, Electronics and Communication, and Computer Science and Engineering. The coverage is extensive as well as intensive so that it serves the purpose of a wider spectrum of interested readers. In many cases, the design sequences are illustrated step-by-step for better comprehension. Special pedagogical features such as Reader Remember (RR), Confusion Clearing Corner (CCC), and Time to Take a Test (TTTT) are expected to help readers in various ways. Syllabus coverage of almost all technological universities in India
Latest technological innovations
Simple and easy-to-understand classroom language throughout the text
Stress on technical details of complex topics such as sequential circuit design
Accurate illustrations clearly highlighting complex technical features
Numerous solved examples having different degrees of difficulties
Review questions of multiple choice type and analytical type at the end of each chapter
One complete chapter devoted to VHDL
Rich pedagogical features such as RR, CCC, and TTTT
Tips to beginners for breadboard circuit fabrication as an Appendix ISBN - 9788131518076

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