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  Lucky for Some, 13: You Can Smell the Fear

Lucky For Some, 13: You Can Smell The Fear

by Prem Rao

  Price : Rs 150.00
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  Is the only good terrorist a dead one? When she captures two fanatic fidayeen after their sensational terror strike in Goa in January 2010, little does Major Mohini Nair of India`s elite counter terrorism force, the National Security Guard, realize that they would be back to haunt her and the nation later that year.

In September 2010, in another audacious, chilling attack, some of Bangalore`s rich and famous are taken hostage in Opulence that last word in luxurious living, in a place and at a time they least expect. Clearly, the best of technology has crashed before base human emotions of greed and fanaticism. Ransom money is not what the mysterious terrorists want. They want the release of their two comrades and safe passage in exchange for the hostages. The blood-curdling brutality of the perpetrators, who include the beautiful Alice Hatchman, petrifies the hostages driving the story to a fever pitch.

Relishing the gruesome to show her power is easy for Alice as she loves no one. Rescuing the hostages is more difficult for Mohini for amongst them is the man she loves. Can the 13th floor penthouse of Opulence prove to be lucky for some?ISBN:9789350880203

Pages : 296
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