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  What Works : Success in Stressful Times

What Works : Success In Stressful Times

by Hamish Mcrae

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 273.00
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  Calling on years of experience as an award-winning financial journalist and international public speaker, the author brings a fresh perspective to the question of success, differentiating the few ˜big ideas` that have transformed the marketplace from passing trends and over-hyped blind alleys. Through an extraordinary range of case studies and an authoritative grasp of his material, the author demonstrates that although there is no surefire recipe for success, there are several key ingredients “ such as sense of mission and market
sensitivity “ which ambitious readers can apply to their own business practices. This is a book of very real successes rather than overblown ideologies: each case study is based around an on-site visit by an author and interviews with the people in charge. Bearing in mind the role of fashion, scale and other less predictable factors, ˜What Works` ultimately offers the general reader the chance to learn from some of the grandest economic successes and unexpected failures in the world today, through a series of imaginative, unusual and insightful examples.
ISBN 9780007203789

Pages : 356
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