This journey towards reasonableness, I trust, will be pleasant and useful not only for those who are familiar with philosophy of science, but also those who are really interested in science. All those who like to have a constructively critical look at science and all its activities and all those who dearly expect science to be human and holistic in all its endeavours, I hope, will find this journey inspiring and informative. Main features of this book are as follow:
(i) to show that science is neither the paradigm of absolute knowledge, rational and objective to the core, nor an enterprise where ˜anything goes`, with no rationality, no stability, no methodology and no objectivity;
(ii) to show that both the rational and the non-rational models of science don`t give the actual picture of science, as it is revealed and substantiated by the recent historians of science;
(iii) to show the need to go beyond the traditional accounts of rationality in order to have an adequate of understanding of what happens in the realm of science, including the issues of rationality in science;
(iv) to explicate some features of the notion of reasonableness and show how these factors, especially the notion of Consensus in the Scientific Community, which are usually neglected in the traditional accounts of science, need to be earnestly considered to arrive at an integrated understanding of rationality in science in terms of reasonableness; and
(v) to bring out some of the implications of taking reasonableness seriously in the Cotemporary Science and Society. ISBN-9788182204539