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  Surgical Atlas of Spinal Operations

Surgical Atlas Of Spinal Operations

by Alexander R Vaccaro,Jason C Eck

  Price : Rs 4995.00
  Your Price : Rs 3996.00
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  Surgical Atlas of Spinal Operations is divided into several sections in an attempt to provide the reader the best understanding of complex topics as well as to facilitate the search for specific information on any of these topics. The first section provides a comprehensive review of surgical anatomy through a step-by-step description of the most common surgical approaches to the spine. Each of these chapters consists of a discussion of the indications for using the approach, a review of the pertinent anatomy, a well-illustrated description of the surgical approach, a discussion of the postoperative care, and potential complications associated with the approach. A list of Key Points summarizes the most important information of each chapter. The second section of the text provides descriptions of specific surgical techniques based on the location in the spine from occiput to ileum. These chapters encompass the wide variety of techniques that must be mastered by the spine surgeon from the common lumbar decompression to complex sacrectomy and vertebral osteotomy. Chapters are also included on newer technologies including disk arthroplasty, interspinous spacers and minimally invasive techniques. The final section focuses on other associated techniques including graft harvesting, discography and cement augmentation techniques. ISBN:9789350903261

Pages : 572
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