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  Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, (Indian Economic Reprint)

Introduction To The Principles Of Morals And Legislation, (Indian Economic Reprint)

by Bentham

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 282.75
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  Jeremy Bentham`s work on "Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation" is an attempt, scientific in nature, to rise from the roots deep in hedonism and teleology. Talking of pleasure, pain, motive and disposition the author moves to emotion, passion, appetite, virtues and vices. Utilitarianism, Bentham`s unique perspective has been used to create a fascinating mathematical evaluation to decide the occurrence of an action when confronted with situations requiring moral decision-making - to achieve ``greatest happiness of the greatest number``. He also endeavours to demonstrate the sources and kinds of pleasure and pain and how they can be balanced and assessed with one`s moral options. His arguments on intentionality., consciousness, motives and dispositions are supported with discussions.

Bentham concludes his work with an analysis of punishment - its purpose, role of law in determination and implementation. He also adds that there should be two parallel and connected systems, running together, one on legislative provisions and the other on political reasons, each affording to the other correction and support. Here, Bentham projects himself as a social reformer who seeks to resolve the tension that exists between the concerns of many with individual freedom.

The book gives a rare opportunity to experience the great work on moral philosophy that has had its effect on the course of ethical theory for over two centuries. ISBN : 9788175343993

Pages : 263
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