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  Monetary Governance in Search of New Space

Monetary Governance In Search Of New Space

by A. Vasudevan

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 625.50
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  "It is easy to advise countries to improve monetary governance but more difficult to operationalize this concept. What does good monetary governance mean and how can it be achieved? This is the central question the book takes up and then proceeds to answer.

...What the book does is to describe the different models of governance that are being utilized across the world, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages. These descriptions are very valuable and could be used to design an appropriate monetary and financial governance structure that suits a particular country. I expect the book to be read by academics working in the area of monetary policy and financial regulations, as well as by policymakers. "

Mohsin S. Khan
Senior Fellow, Peterson Institute for International Economics,
Washington DC

"...a valuable contribution to a topic in the field of monetary theory that is scantly articulated in the literature, which only a professional researcher/ economist and a master of the subject such as Vasudevan, will venture to undertake. ...I enjoyed the intellectual wizardry of the author and I recommend the book as a must read for all central bankers, academics, public analysts and post graduate students of monetary and development economics." (Excerpted from the Foreword to the volume)

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi (CON)
Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria

"Dr. Vasudevan`s book is original in design, path breaking in coverage and scholarly in content, with great clarity in exposition of a subject of immense contemporary significance. It is an outstanding exposition of complex theory and practice of money and banking in the light of the global crisis, focusing on emerging important governance issues. It provides comprehensive but precise analysis of emerging challenges for governance of central banking in all its dimensions consequent upon the global financial crisis: a valuable guide to academics and policy circles. The book reflects Dr. Vasudevan`s mastery over theory, an enviable experience and acknowledged expertise in public policy, both at national levels across countries, and international bodies." ISBN 9788171889297

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