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  Buddhist Remains of Ujjain Region : Excavations at Sodanga

Buddhist Remains Of Ujjain Region : Excavations At Sodanga

by Rahman Ali , Ashok Trivedi , Dhirendra Solanki

  Price : Rs 700.00
  Your Price : Rs 700.00
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  ABOUT THE BOOK:- The excavations conducted at village Sodanga (Distt. Ujjain, M.P.) have yielded important findings which are critically analysed in the book. The first chapter of the text is a brief back drop of the historical background of the region beginning from the pre-Mauryan period onwards. It is followed by a brief note on the major aims and objectives. The evidence substantiate that the site was once a flourishing Buddhist centre for the most important findings of the Buddhist creed on a terracotta seal broken component parts of the Asokan pillar, i.e., its lotus capital and the status of the crowning animal elephant are noteworthy. ISBN 9788188934157

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