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  Education Technology

Education Technology

by S. Sabu

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 316.00
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  ISBN Education is the process of inculcating, required behaviour characteristics in learners. The process of educatin becomes effective when it reaches the learner in the expected level. The complex art of teaching profession exerts much pressure on teachers to acquire specific skills and competencies without which they cannot perform their duties in this technology driven era. The modern media, machines, methods and materials help the teachers to utilize their potential for the creation of a suitable teaching learning environment.

Knowledge of Educational Technology is very much essential for a teacher. The application of various audio-visual technologies helps the teacher to attract the attention of all the senses of the learners. This in turn result better academic outcomes.

This book is an attempt to discuss not only the meaning, definitions, history, scope and principles of educational technology but also the various educational innovations like individualized instruction, micro-teaching, communication and classroom interaction, mass media in education, teach teaching, action research, models of teaching etc., are also dealt with. This book helps the readers develop confidence for using educational technology in their classroom teaching.

It analyzes the various technologies in education. It gives a comprehensive view of the various educational technologies, which can be utilized in the present sytem of education. This book helps the teachers who are in-service, the prospective teachers and teacher educators to understand the importance of educational technology. The various technologies mentioned in this book will help the teacher to make the teaching situation interesting and effective. They can be benefited by this book for developing their own patter or instructional strategy by incorporating various technologies for them. Any comments or suggestions for improving the contents would be warmly appreciated. ISBN 9788131315774

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