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  Production and Operations Management, 2/e

Production And Operations Management, 2/E

by Kanishka Bedi

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 445.50
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This completely revised second edition of Production and Operations Management is a comprehensive textbook specially designed to meet the needs of management students. Adopting an application-oriented approach to the subject, it explains the various concepts by using illustrations, cases, and exercises.
"The book provides in-depth coverage of topics such as facility location planning, facility capacity and layout planning, project management, aggregate planning, work design, demand forecasting, and operations scheduling. In addition, contemporary concepts such as e-procurement and operating resource management, multiple-criteria ABC analysis, location planning of foreign facilities, and service quality measurement using the SERVQUAL instrument have also been discussed. The book contains three new chapters on service operations management, outsourcing and offshoring, and total productive maintenance. It explores issues and challenges faced by companies in inventory management, materials requirement planning, Just-in-Time (JIT), supply chain management, and operations strategies in the post-liberalization era. The book aims to provide a step-by-step approach to each topic, particularly those requiring statistical/ mathematical treatment. " ISBN 9780195690873

Pages : 752
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