This new edition is also thoroughly revised and considerably enlarged in order to give intensive practice to the students. The book covers the latest syllabus prescribed for secondary and higher secondary students. Part I deals with Fundamental Grammar which includes topics like Tense, The Sequence of Tenses, Parts of Speech, Punctuation of Position, Preposition of Movement and Direction, Nouns, Pronouns, Concord: Subject Verb Agreement, Voice (Rules and Tables), Voice (Active Voice and Passive Voice), Direct and Indirect Speech, Change of Narration, Verbs, The Sentence and its Kinds, Transformation of Sentences, Structure of Clauses, Synthesis of Sentences, The Function of Clauses, Non-Finites, Determinants, Comparisons, Adverbs, Articles, Prefix, Suffixes, Word-Formation, Figures of Speech.
Part II deals with the different types of compositions such as Comprehension, Dialogue Writing, Editing, Paraphrasing, Story-Writing, Precis Writing, Notice Writing, Message Writing, Diary Writing, Fax Writing, Report Writing, Letter Writing, Paragraph Writing and Essay Writing.
It is hoped that this volume will prove much more useful than before and find wider acceptance all over the country. Any constructive suggestion for further improvement of the book will be gratefully acknowledged and incorporated in the subsequent edition.
Part-I: Grammar Section
The Sequence of Tenses
To Be`s Form ISBN 9789331317131