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  Sri Lalita Sahasranama Stotram (Text with Interpretive Translation From Kashmir Sakta Viewpoint)

Sri Lalita Sahasranama Stotram (Text With Interpretive Translation From Kashmir Sakta Viewpoint)

by Chaman Lal Raina

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  How is Para Sakti related to the phenomenal world and especially to the man with Sankoca-limitation ? The Lalitasahsranamastotram has been able to solve this philosophic problem on the basis of Citsakti--Consciousness and Bhavana-meditative aspect on `mantra-yantra-tantra`.
The experience of man speaks that the origination is possible with the union of male and female principle. The idea of the unity of Siva and Sakti are always equal and identical,but may be viewed differently to suit the psychee of devotees. Benign mother Lalita is `Sivasakyaikarupini`.
Lalita is Samarasya-parayana --the priciple of unchanging unity and harmony. Kashmiri Saktas are traditionally the worshippers of Sri Yantra and the experiencers of Matrkapujanam. The immutable phonomes begin with Aa and with ha thus evolving into ah the higher consciousness.
Mother Lalita is immutable in the form of Varnamala--the eternal garland of phonomes. In the world of name and form Lalita in her emotional aspect continues the process of creation through Matrka---or the Supernal`Sabda brahman`. The emotion of Lalita is impregnated with the three hrms of Lajjabija. Hrm is the evolutionary aspect of the divine Lalita.
Dr. Raina has tried to deal with the subject matter of this sacred Sahsranama from Kashmir Sakta view point.
About Author :
Dr. Chaman Lal Raina born at Srinagar,Kashmir in the traditionalist Sakta family of Kootus. He did his Adib-Kamil in Urdu;Masters in English and Hindi; Doctorate in Iqbaliat and Hindi. He worked on the comparative study of the `Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and Iqbal` and `Lalleshwari and Kashmir Saivism`during his research programmes.
Took the assignment okf Research Associate to work on Post Doctoral Project `Iqbal and Indian Heritage` Worked as Lecturer in Iqbal Institute, University of Kashmir. To his credit are the following books; Iqbal and Indian Heritage,Iqbal Kavya Darshan,Kshemendra(tr.),Sri Indrakshi Stotram.
Iqbal and Kashmir Saivism Quintessence of Sakti, Grierson and Shiva-Parinaya,Kashmir Saivism--Prospect and Retrospect are research oriented papers, Shaktivad in Kashmir, Relgious Philosophy of Sri Candi,Kashmir Sakta Vimarsa are in press.
Presently he is involved in the study of `Impact of Kashmir Saivism on Sri Aurobingo`s Savitri.ISBN: 8185616280

Pages : 176
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