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  Pakistan Army: Modernisation, Arms Procurement and Capacity Building

Pakistan Army: Modernisation, Arms Procurement And Capacity Building

by Dr. Shah Alam

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 445.50
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  The book explains genesis, expansion, development, and modernisation of the Pakistan Army. It undertakes only the Pakistan Army and does not include the Pakistan Nay and the Pakistan Air Force. The book comprehensively explains and analyses the Pakistan Army. Initially, Pakistan had faced several challenges to meet its defence needs. Pakistan pursued strategy of external alignment to get arms and financial assistance. Pakistan obtained arms from various sources such as the US, Britain, China, Russia (former USSR), France, and others. It explains Pakistan`s tie with arms suppliers and dynamics in their relationships. China transferred not only arms to Pakistan but also assisted in establishing defence industries. Pakistan-China complex relationship and Beijing`s arms transfer policy towards Islamabad added intricacies in the regional security. Pakistan`s arms acquisitions policy helped not only in expanding and modernising the Pakistan Army but also contributed in expanding and strengthening the defence industrial base. With the 550000 strength, modern and sophisticated arms, missiles and nuclear capable delivery missiles, the Pakistan Army has emerged a force in the region.

About the Author

Dr Shah Alam did Ph.D from the School of International Studies (SIS), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India. He worked with the Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), the Centre for Air Power Studies (CAPS), and Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS). His specialisation is on Iran. His areas of research interest include Iran, Pakistan, the Persian Gulf, and West Asia. He has written a number of articles on Iran, Pakistan, the Persian Gulf, West Asia, and the Caspian Sea Basin pertaining to security, foreign policy, defence, strategy, energy, and energy security. He has written a monograph on The Military`s Role in Pakistan`s Polity (New Delhi: KW Publishers, 2011). He is co-author of a monograph on Persian Gulf States And The 9/11 Attacks: An Analysis (New Delhi: Anamaya Publishers, 2004). ISBN 9789381411209

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