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  British Intelligence: Secrets, Spies and Sources

British Intelligence: Secrets, Spies And Sources

by Stephen Twigge , Graham Macklin , Edward Hampshire

  Price : Rs 1500.00
  Your Price : Rs 1230.00
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  While other books have speculated on the history and nature of the British intelligence services, this is the first to tell the story through the documents themselves. Only ten years ago, access to these original sources would have been impossible. Now experts Stephen Twigge and Graham Macklin draw on the spies` and the spymasters` own words as contained in the National Archives` intelligence holdings. Historical narrative is interwoven with colorful tales from the past that highlight some of the greatest successes-and failure-alongthe way, as well as the motives and machinations of those responsible for them. And readers who want to discover more through the sources themselves are given all the guidance they need.ISBN 9781905615001

Pages : 288
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