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  Hindu Scriptures

Hindu Scriptures

by N. Macnicole

  Price : Rs 210.00
  Your Price : Rs 178.50
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  "Hindu Scriptures" provides an insight into the inspiration and development of one of the oldest of the living religions. The scriptures chosen to represent the spiritual and philosophical heritage of the Indians are a testament to a people`s collective reaction to the wonder and awe of existence. It was a simple faith of the ancient Indians that attributed divinity to every element and force of nature, but it was a brave and joyous one, in which fear of the Gods was balanced by trust in them, in which the sense of mystery only gave enchantment to life, without weighing it down with bafflement.The book is a wonderful journey starting from the Vedic simplicity illumined by intuitive experience [`Truth is one: (though) the wise call it by various names` (Rigveda I 164. 46)] to the deepened and widened meditations of the Upanishads shifting the keener spiritual longing to the `Self` from the outside world; finally to the expounding of the harmony between diverse approaches to the Reality through the paths of knowledge, love, righteousness and detached living of the Bhagavadgita. This book as a representative of the entire range of Indian spiritual and philosophical speculation and practices is introduced by no less a person then the Noble Laureate Rabindranath Tagore.ISBN:

Pages : 318
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