Jnana Yoga is, as the name implies, the yoga, or method, of realizing our divine nature through wisdom (Jnana). Wisdom is not knowledge in its ordinary sense, although it includes it. It is that higher knowledge which is self-illuminating. This is equally the goal of every yoga, or method, the difference lying in the path chosen for reaching the goal. The present volume consists chiefly of lectures delivered by Swami Vivekananda in India and abroad, and deal with the teachings of the Upanishads, which contain the essence of Vedanta. Some of the Upanishads are among the most ancient of the Hindu Scriptures, and show a wonderful insight into the great truths underlying all religious aspirations.
It is because Vedanta is a religion of principles, not of external authority, that the late Professor Max Muller said of it: Vedanta has room for almost every religion; nay, it embraces them all.ISBN- 9788129202529
Pages : 358