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  The Innovator`s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fall

The Innovator`S Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms To Fall

by Clayton M. Christensen

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  Book Summary of The Innovator`s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fall
"Clayton Christensen`s The Innovator`s Dilemma (1997) introduced one of the most influential modern business ideas”disruptive innovation”and proved that high academic theory need not be a disadvantage in a book aimed at the general reader. - The Economist

"The Innovator`s Dilemma" provides new ways to think about managing innovation by balancing the development of disruptive and sustaining technologies. "Brings new and fresh insights and understanding to the complex and critically important relationships between technological change and business success".--Richard N. Foster, Director, McKinsey & Co., Inc.

Harvard professor Clayton M. Christensen demonstrates in the most revolutionary business hook in years why outstanding companies that did everything right -- were in tune with the competition, listened to customers, and invested aggressively in new technologies -- still lost their market leadership when confronted with disruptive changes in technology and market structure...and he tells how to avoid a similar fate as business races online into the 21st century. The Innovator`s Dilemma eloquently demonstrates a shattering paradox -- that the best of conventional good business practices can ultimately weaken a great firm. Over time, mainstream customers will initially reject important breakthroughs or disruptive technologies, leading firms to allow strategic innovations to languish. The solution? Create a subsidiary entirely focused on the emerging market, one that is free to be visionary while courting an unorthodox customer base and staying poised to catch the next great wave of industry growth. Sharp, cogent, and provocative, The Innovator`s Dilemma is one of the most talked-about business books of our time -- and something that none of today`s executives will dare to be without.ISBN

Pages : 25
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