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  Pharmaceutical Chemical Analysis: Methods for Identification and Limit Tests

Pharmaceutical Chemical Analysis: Methods For Identification And Limit Tests

by Ole Pedersen

  Price : Rs 1995.00
  Your Price : Rs 1695.75
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  Book Summary of Pharmaceutical Chemical Analysis: Methods for Identification and Limit Tests
In recognition of the scarce availability of information on European pharmacopoeia testing methods, this text explains the purpose, chemistry involved, and analytical tests behind these older, yet standard tests. The tests detailed are often cheaper and simpler than newer tests but equally reliable. The book covers tests for the identification of ions, functional groups tests, and limit tests. It explains the procedural steps for each test augmented with illustrations, formulas, reaction information, and a listing of strengths and weaknesses in terms of specificity, ruggedness, and potential procedural pitfalls.

Complete, referenced information in an easy-to-use format

Many of the monographs in the European Pharmacopiea, the industry standard test for certain groups of ingredients and excipients, do not describe the tests in full, but reference general methods based on test-tube chemistry. When a test fails, you need to know what went wrong, how it can be fixed, and how to convince QA\QC that the tested material is okay. This gives you little time to dig out the relevant scientific literature, literature that is often so old it doesna (TM)t show up in an electronic search.

Making this knowledge easily accessible and directly applicable to work in the lab, Pharmaceutical Chemical Analysis: Methods for Limit Tests and Identifications explains the purpose of these older tests, the chemistry isbn

Pages : 157
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