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  Public Relations Strategy, 2/e

Public Relations Strategy, 2/E

by Sandra Oliver

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  Description: This fully updated second edition of Public Relations Strategy is designed to challenge readers, introducing them to the intense discussion that is currently taking place on the nature of public relations and its role in developing and supporting management strategy. The book links models and theories of strategic management to the PR function and includes the way in which globalization and the internet are shaping and changing organizational PR strategy.

Public Relations Strategy is aimed at seasoned public relations practitioners and students who, although aware of the tactical requirements of the profession (for example media relations, trade shows, publicity events, external publication production), struggle with issues related to overall corporate policies and planning. The book divides into eight key areas:

¢ the nature of PR as strategic management;

¢ the professional role of PR within organizations;

¢ how organizations attain and maintain their reputations;

¢ the role of internal communication as a human resource strategy;

¢ how PR is integrated into marketing plans;

¢ issues around PR planning and control;

¢ the social science research methods available to PR professionals;

¢ managing ethics in strategic and operational PR programming.

Complete with new, international case studies illustrating the links between PR and strategic management, this title will be a useful addition to the thinking practitioner`s library, as well as an invaluable learning tool for students undertaking undergraduate, postgraduate or professional examinations in PR and related disciplines.

Contents: Not ˜Just` Public Relations: PR strategy in a management context ¢ What is strategy? ¢ Power and influence ¢ Public relations and organizational culture ¢ Best practice ¢ Corporate communication academic models ¢ Semantics ¢ Operational strategy ¢ The feedback cycle ¢ Control vs co-dependency ¢ Campaign: PSA Peugeot CitroA«n, Spain ¢ Reflection ¢ PR`s Place on the board: a core governance role ¢ Top-down, bottom-up communication ¢ From function to strategy ¢ Cognitive dissonance: coping with conflict ¢ The CEO as cultural icon ¢ Performance assessment ¢ Assessing future performance ¢ Tangible and intangible assets ¢ Reputation vs the Operating and Financial Review ¢ Strategic alliances ¢ Campaign: TAASA, USA ¢ Reflection ¢ Reputation Management: a celebrity-driven society ¢ Corporate image ¢ Image and branding ¢ Corporate identity ¢ Visual identity ¢ Semiotics: logos and livery ¢ Substance vs style ¢ Reputation ¢ Campaign: Standard Bank, South Africa ¢ Reflection ¢ Internal Communication and PR: employees as ambassadors ¢ Mayhem vs morale ¢ Privacy and confidentiality ¢ Communication as a core competency ¢ Communicating change ¢ Change development plans ¢ Fairness vs flexibility ¢ Communication as team effort ¢ Campaign: Edelman Public Relations Worldwide, USA ¢ Reflection ¢ Beyond ˜Customer is King`: sales and marketing promotion ¢ Conceptual authenticity ¢ Knowledge and skill ¢ Value-added and IMC ¢ Competitive advantage ¢ Customer relations ¢ Business-to-business relations ¢ Web analysis and evaluation ¢ Efficiency vs effectiveness ¢ Tools and techniques ¢ Promotion performance ¢ Performance gaps ¢ Marketing vs manufacturing ¢ Campaign: 3M, USA ¢ Reflection ¢ Media Relations: a borderless world view ¢ Mass communication ¢ Rhetoric vs reality ¢ Message modelling ¢ Think global, act local ¢ Today`s future ¢ Campaign: Royal Caribbean International, USA ¢ Reflection ¢ Research Methods: measures and motives ¢ Art vs science ¢ Validity and reliability ¢ Balanced scorecard ¢ Narrative methods ¢ Intertextuality analysis ¢ PR as a social science ¢ Campaign: Marriott Hotel Group, Indonesia ¢ Reflection ¢ The Ethical Dimension: a moral imperative ¢ PR vs propaganda ¢ Ethical evaluation ¢ Campaign: The Russian Public Relations Association ¢ Reflection

About the Author: Following a successful 20-year career in media and multinational industrial PR management, Sandra Oliver, PhD, PFIPR, FRSA, is currently Emeritus Professor at Thames Valley University, London, UK (TVU), where she was Programme Director of a Master`s degree in Corporate Communication and a qualifying membership Diploma for the CIPR, and is now involved in a professional doctorate scheme.

Target Audience: Public relations practitioners and students.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9788175543331

Pages : 160
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