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  Ageing and Development

Ageing And Development

by Rob Vos, Jose Antonio Ocampo And Ana Luiza Cortez

  Price : Rs 1585.00
  Your Price : Rs 1347.25
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  That we all live longer is perhaps one of the greatest achievements of human progress. Yet increased life expectancy and lower fertility rates across the globe are having a huge impact on the structure of populations, offering both challenges and opportunities for the future. Ageing and Development is an authoritative analysis of the social and economic implications of this trend. Can we provide enough pensions for old people to live comfortably? How can old people be empowered to play a more positive role in society? What will the role of grandparents be in the emerging new social structures? What are the implications for health services? How can the very old be cared for? Providing a wealth of statistical and quantitative evidence and compiled by leading economists working at the forefront of this area, this book argues that these challenges are not insurmountable, but societies everywhere need to put in place the required policies to confront these challenges effectively. This is a timely and definitive guide to the impact of ageing populations.

ISBN :9788125035268

Pages : 272
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