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  M. N. Roy : Marxism and Colonial Cosmopolitanism

M. N. Roy : Marxism And Colonial Cosmopolitanism

by Kris Manjapra

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 250.75
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  Book Summary of M.N. Roy: Marxism and Colonial Cosmopolitanism
This is a work of South Asian intellectual history written from a transnational perspective and based on the life and work of M.N. Roy, one of India`s most formidable Marxist intellectuals. Swadeshi revolutionary, co-founder of the Mexican Communist Part, member of the Communist International Presidium, and a major force in the rise of Indian communism, M.N. Roy was a colonial cosmopolitan icon of the interwar years. Exploring the intellectual production of this important thinker, this book traces the historical context of his ideas from nineteenth-century Bengal to Weimar Germany, through the tumultuous period of world politics in the 1930s and 1940s, and on to post-Independence India.

In this book the author makes a number of valuable theoretical contributions. He argues for the importance of conceiving the ˜deterritorial` zones of thought and action through which Indian anti-colonial political thought operated, and advances a new periodisation for Swadeshi on this basis. He also argues against viewing ˜international communism` of the 1920s as a single monolith by highlighting the fractures and contestations that influenced colonial politics worldwide.

These slim volumes written by leading scholars are intended for the intelligent layperson and expert alike, and written in an accessible, lively and authoritative prose. Through telling the lives of celebrated names and lesser known ones in context, this series will expa isbn

Pages : 220
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M. N. Roy: Marxism and Colonial Cosmopolitanism
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M. N. Roy : Marxism and Colonial Cosmopolitanism
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