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  Turnaround Leadership

Turnaround Leadership

by Shaun Oa€™Callaghan

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  Description: Crises come in all shapes and sizes. They could be the result of a shift in consumer spending habits, or system-wide problems arising from a recession. The simple fact is that if you are in business for any reasonable period of time, you will have to manage and lead through a crisis.

Turnaround Leadership will show you how to guide your company through the tough times and profit from the changes that are happening. Not only will it enable you to rebuild your business after a crisis, through developing the skills required during the recovery phase, it will also help you to identify the causes of a potential crisis and so take action to avoid one in the first place.

Key topics discussed include:

¢ What exactly is a crisis?

¢ What are the external and internal causes of a crisis?

¢ Where to start? ” making the right promises

¢ Gathering multiple view points

¢ Core business skills

¢ Delivering results through relationships

¢ Rebuilding trust with authentic communication

Turnaround Leadership will give you the tools you need to make the right decisions in this new environment, communicate those decisions effectively and deliver results. It will help you to get your business back on track.

Contents: Leading after a crisis: Introduction ¢ Making the right promises ¢ Gathering multiple new viewpoints ¢ Core business skills ¢ Delivering results through relationships ¢ Rebuilding trust with authentic communication ¢ Next steps ¢ What is a crisis?: What do we mean by crisis? ¢ Triggers of a crisis ¢ Preventing a crisis ¢ External causes of a crisis: Economic cycles ¢ Customer priorities Product, technology and business model innovation ¢ Outside intervention ¢ Internal drivers of a crisis: Brokenpromises ¢ Corporate breakdown ¢ Management optimism ¢ Lack of sensitivity ¢ Where to start after a crisis ” making the right promises: Where to start ” earning the right ¢ Making the right promises ¢ Gathering multiple new viewpoints: Customer aces ¢ Making promises you can keep ¢ Follow the money ¢ Lean not mean ¢ Flesh and blood ¢ Imagine new futures ¢ Core business skills 1- cash and time: Managing cash flow and time ¢ Core business skills 2: Developing strategy after a crisis ¢ Maintaining sales ¢ Cost base restructuring ¢ Delivering results through relationships: Overview ¢ Results ¢ Action ¢ Operating model ¢ Possibilities and relationships ¢ Rebuilding trust with authentic communication: Trust ¢ Benefits less costs-value ¢ Intimacy ¢ Perceived risk ¢ Trust and communication ¢ Last words ¢ References ¢ Index

About the Author: Shaun O`Callaghan is a senior Crises managing director at FTI Consulting lnc, a leading global advisory firm in the areas of corporate finance, restructuring and communication. He is also the founder of Quarter Research, a leadership research and development organization for senior executives.

Target Audience: Business heads, crises managers, students and academics at business schools.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749457099

Pages : 220
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