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  Psychometrics in Coaching

Psychometrics In Coaching

by Jonathan Passmore

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  Description: Psychometrics in Coaching offers expert advice on how coaches, consultants and human resources managers can use psychometrics to support and develop individuals in the workplace and outside.

With a growing demand for psychometric testing in the coaching profession, coaches and practitioners alike need to understand the psychology underpinning the tests as well as how to select and apply them effectively. Written by an international team of global coaching practitioners and psychometricians, this book provides an overview of using psychometrics and providing feedback and offers clear explanations of the key models and tools used in coaching today.

Whether you are new to using psychometric tests or an experienced practitioner, this book provides you with a deep understanding of the models, the theory and research behind them, their reliability and validity, and how to implement them as part of a wider coaching and development programme.

An essential resource for those seeking expert guidance from the leading writers in the field, as well as as students on psychology, psychometrics, business and human resources programmes.

Psychometrics in Coaching is a follow - up to the popular title Excellence in Coaching, also published by Kogan Page.

Content: Introduction¢PART1: PSYCHOMETRICS AND FEEDBACK: Using psychometrics and psychological tools in coaching: Introduction; Psychological tests; Cognitive ability tests; The psychometric properties of a psychological test; Approaches to psychological testing in coaching; Criterion-oriented approach; Benefits of psychological testing for the coach and the coachee; Ethical guidelines and best practice in testing; Summary ¢ Using feedback in coaching: Introduction; The principles of feedback; Feedback theory and evidence; Summary ¢ PART II INDIVIDUAL INSTRUMENTS AND THEIR USE: Coaching with MBTI: Introduction; Basic assumptions of type theory; The MBTI questionnaire; MBTI and coaches; MBTI and coachees; Summary ¢ Coaching with teams: Team Management Systems (TMS):Introduction; Coaching competencies; The Workplace Behaviour Pyramid; The nature of work; Five-factor theory; The Team Management Wheel; Team coaching; Summary ¢ Coaching with OPQ: Introduction; How the OPQ helps in understanding personality; Theoretical perspectives; The OPQ32 questionnaire; The OPQ32 and coaches; The OPQ and coachees; Development tips for ˜Using Networks` impact; Summary ¢ Coaching with the Motivation Questionnaire: Introduction; Understanding human motivation; Motivational Questionnaire; The MQ and coaches; The MQ and coaching clients; Introducing the MQ profile; Interpreting the MQ profile; Applications of the MQ; Summary ¢ Coaching with Saville Consulting Wavea®: Introduction; The Saville Consulting Wavea® model; Saville Consulting Wavea® ˜Deep Dive` measurement features; Using Professional Styles with coaches; Using Professional Styles with coachees; Summary ¢ Coaching for emotional intelligence: MSCEIT: Introduction; Theory of emotional intelligence; Intelligence and emotions; The ability model of EI; Developing EI; The MSCEIT assessment; Psychometrics; EI and coaches; Using EI with coachees; Leveraging the full range of emotions; EI blueprint; Summary ¢ Identifying potential derailing behaviours: Hogan Development Survey: Introduction; Hogan`s socio-analytical theory of human behaviour; The Hogan questionnaire; HDS and coaches; Using HDS with coachees; Summary ¢ Coaching for transformational leadership: ELQTM (Formerly TLQ): Introduction; The changing nature of leadership; Recent developments in leadership research; The importance of employee ˜engagement`; The development of the Engaging Leadership Questionnaire (ELQ); The 10 Leadership Impact Measures; The ELQ model; A model for exploring engaging leadership; ELQ and coaches; Using the ELQ with coachees; Using the ELQ: the coach`s role; Integrating the ELQ dimensions; The diagnostic process; Summary ¢ Developing resilience through coaching: MTQ48: Introduction; The theoretical model; The Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ48); The MTQ and coaches; Using the MTQ48 with coachees; Summary ¢ Using archetypes in coaching: Introduction; The model of archetypal practices; Using archetypal practices with coaches; Using archetypal practices with coachees; Summary¢Coaching for strengths using VIA: Introduction; The theory of signature strengths; The VIA Strengths questionnaire; Strengths and coaches; Using the VIA with coachees; Summary ¢ Coaching for stress: StressScan: Introduction; Theoretical models of stress; The theoretical model for StressScan; The development of StressScan; Description of the StressScan scales; Using StressScan with coachees; StressScan and coaches; Summary ¢ Coaching for cultural transformation: CTT: Introduction; Theoretical background to the Cultural Transformation Tools; The seven levels of leadership consciousness; The Cultural Transformation Toolsa® assessment instruments; The Leadership Values Assessment; Using CTT with coachees; Using CTT with coaches; Summary ¢ Coaching with FIRO Element B: Introduction; Theoretical and research background; The FIRO Element B questionnaire; FIRO Element B and coaches; Using FIRO Element B with coachees; Summary ¢ Coaching with LSI: Introduction; Theoretical model; The LSI`s psychometric properties; The LSI questionnaire; LSI and coaches; Using LSI with coachees; Structuring an LSI coaching intervention; Debriefing the LSI; Reflexivity: the key to individual transformation; Summary ¢ An overview of psychometric questionnaires ¢ Index

Target Audience: Coaches, consultants, human resources managers, students of psychology, psychometrics, business, human resources programmes.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749454739

Pages : 368
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